Buttock Augmentation

Candidates for buttock augmentation are those patients who wish to lift, augment and define their buttocks.

This procedure is also known as gluteal lipoinjection or gluteal fat transfer and consists in the injection of the patient’s own fat at the gluteal level; it has the advantage of allowing the surgeon to place the necessary amount in those parts that are required, facilitating the modeling of the buttocks.

This procedure provides an extra benefit which is the extraction of fat from unwanted areas, normally located in the abdominal area, waist and back, this fat is transplanted to the gluteal area. It is a painless procedure.

Why is it performed?

As you age, the skin changes and becomes more saggy. In addition, damage from sun exposure, variations in weight and genetic factors can contribute to poor skin elasticity. These factors can cause the buttocks, as well as other parts of the body, to sag.

Buttock lifts are usually performed in conjunction with other body contouring procedures. You can evaluate buttock lift if:

• You have lost a large amount of weight and it has been stable for at least 6 to 12 months.
• You are of normal weight, but want a dramatic change in the appearance of your lower body.


15 days


20 days


1 Month


20 days